Annual General Meeting Report

About 30 people gathered in the church last Tuesday for the Annual General Meeting.  As in other church gatherings, there was a focus on God’s word, prayer was offered for our church and God’s name was praised in song, so that the business of the meeting was clearly set within the context of the service … Read more

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, March 19th, 7:00 pm in the Church We have scheduled the AGM to take place next Tuesday evening and we trust that many members of the congregations will be able to attend.   Our Annual General Meeting isn’t just a “business” meeting. It is a gathering of the people of God from both congregations … Read more

Remember these things!

When the Apostle Paul was under house arrest in Rome and nearing the end of his life, he wrote to Timothy to encourage him in his faith and ministry. Timothy was leading the church in Ephesus and Paul wanted to remind him of things that were too important to forget. In a similar way, when … Read more

World Mission

When it comes to thinking about world mission, the go-to bible passage is typically Matthew 28:19 where Jesus says: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”.  However, the idea of mission permeates the whole Bible.  God is the creator of the world who graciously acted in history to restore us to himself, following our … Read more

When is enough enough?

How long is it since the 10 Commandments were read, or even mentioned, in our worship services? At least eight years ago was suggested and it could be longer taking us back to when the Communion Services were closely aligned with the Liturgy of the Prayer Book (PB). The richness of the PB has been lost … Read more

Destroying the Evidence

There was no doubting that Lazarus had really died. He was well known in his village of Bethany, near Jerusalem, and many had attended his burial. Jesus arrived four days later and went with family members and mourners to the burial site, where he asked that the grave be opened. Martha, Lazarus’ sister, a very … Read more

Why care about SRE?

This past week over 400 SRE teachers gathered together at an annual conference held at Dapto Anglican. It was a training day to be encouraged and equipped for the task of ministering to children, families and the school community through authentic and effective word ministry. SRE stands for Special Religious Education, and for the past … Read more

Always more to do

Those of you who watch NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) are no doubt as fascinated as I am with Jethro Gibbs building a boat in his cellar, and the seeming endlessness of the task. It is, of course, a metaphor for the insoluble wickedness he has to deal with on a day to day basis, … Read more

Why celebrate Australia Day?

Another Australia Day, another round of controversy in the eyes of some. Nothing seems to change but the efforts to change history continue unabated and not just in our own wonderful and free country. But what is Australia Day all about? None of us should need a history lesson but equally none of us know … Read more

Making Others Feel Welcome

What a wonderful day we had last Sunday farewelling Simon, Amy and family. It was tinged with sadness, but equally great with excitement as they enter a new ministry phase just down the Coast. They may have left, but their mark upon us will be very difficult to erase as they have touched us so … Read more