Why I love our church (Part 2)

It’s going to be hard to leave this church. It’s going to be hard because of how much our family loves it!  I love that you love each other. Paul says “And above all things put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony” (Col 3:14). And time and time again this is what … Read more

Why I love our church (Part 1)

One of the ways of describing the story of the Bible is how God both scatters and then gathers together his people. God’s scattering of people is a result of our sin and his judgment upon us. We see this in the Garden, at Babylon, in the split of Israel, and most comprehensively in the … Read more

Faith, Hope and Love

As the New Year approaches what is it that we as Christians should be holding on to?  There are three characteristics are highlighted in the New Testament as they occur together time and time again. What would you put in your top three? The Apostle Paul says “and now faith, hope, and love remain, these … Read more

A Christ-filled Christmas

Summer is a wonderful thing. Golden days and warm evenings.  But our summers also reckon with those two great forces of nature – fire and water.  Both are able to turn against us in a moment – and we need saving.  Sometimes, as we have seen tragically in fires in California and in Australia, we … Read more

Christmas Nativity

Angels, stables, donkeys, Mary and Joseph, the star, the shepherds, the wisemen, and of course the baby in a manger.   People are familiar with this Christmas card scene, but we long for people to look deeper and see not just a baby in a manger but the Immanuel – God with us.   There is much … Read more

Sharing the good news

“the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness” Luke 1:79 Christmas is a great time to share the news that God’s light has shone into the world. Each year we have the opportunity to present this wonderful message at our local schools through our SRE Christmas assemblies. Our … Read more

Sorrow at Christmas time?

Why is it that Christmas seems to bring with it not just joy, but sorrow as well? On one hand all the joys of the past year are combined and relived on this one great day. And yet, at the same time, your troubled remembrances and sorrows are collected together and brought to mind. Sorrows are … Read more

The hardest thing about leaving

This is my last Sunday as Senior Minister at Oak Flats Anglican Church. After more than six years in this role, I am leaving to serve full-time at Jamberoo Anglican, ending the partnership between our two churches that began back in 2015. The decision to leave was difficult, and the road ahead for both churches is … Read more

Apology for survivors of abuse

On Monday 22 October in the House of Representatives, our Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, delivered an emotional, heart-felt apology on behalf of the Parliament and the Australian people, to the survivors of child sexual abuse, including those in Anglican churches. That our Church was complicit in any way in these events, by … Read more

Can Google help your Christian life?

One of my great joys of each week is the opportunity you give me to answer your questions. Some of the questions are familiar, but others make me think a little harder. This week I thought I might share with you some of the ways I go about trying to prepare answers to these questions. For … Read more