A great hope

One friend in ministry commented to me the other day that this fourteen year old girl she is working with doesn’t think that Jesus is real because “so many bad things have happened in her life”. Often this is a topic that pops up in conversations I too have with Christians and non-Christians alike. The … Read more

The only way to pray

I am reading a wonderful book at the moment called “Teaching the Psalms” by Christopher Ash. His main idea is that before we apply the Psalms to us, we must hear them as the prayers of Jesus. But as he began to explain this I came across a statement that may take many people by … Read more

Not all Christians are H-A-P-P-Y!

There’s a Christian song that we love to sing to kids which goes like this: I’m H-A-P-P-Y, I’m H-A-P-P-Y, I know I am, I’m sure I am, I’m H-A-P-P-Y. I’m H-A-P-P-Y, I’m H-A-P-P-Y, because I know God loves me so, I’m H-A-P-P-Y. It’s a great little song, especially for young kids who really understand only two emotions: sad and happy. … Read more

Care for Victims of Domestic Abuse

At this year’s Sydney Anglican Synod, we were again reminded about the tragic damage in the lives of people affected by domestic abuse. Back in 2017 we approved a draft policy on responding to domestic abuse, but last night we were able to lock in some important, final details. One of the important things to … Read more

Life in the Valley of Vision

One of the great treasures of the Christian faith is the collection of prayers found in ‘The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions’. It contains two hundred or so prayers written nearly five hundred years ago, and their timeless words capture some deep reflections on the Bible’s teaching. I first became … Read more

Are you resolute?

Being away at the LiT (‘Leaders in Training’ camp) this week, we were talking about being resolute. Resolute isn’t a word we often use these days and I wonder if it is because people in the world today are not resolute in much? Though failings are not always due to a lack of resolve, passion, … Read more

Telling the next generation

Walk about Zion, go around her,
 count her towers… that you may tell of them
 to the next generation. Psalm 48:13,14 Psalm 48 is an invitation to behold with eyes of faith Zion, the city of God. Eyes of faith means that to see the city is not to rejoice in the number of towers, … Read more

Pray for our police

Each year, the 29th day of September holds special significance for police throughout Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and the Solomon Islands. It is a day for police to pause and honour those whose lives have been lost while performing their duty as police officers. This important day is also a time to … Read more

Welcoming without affirming

Last weekend Mandy and I attended the ‘Anglican Future Conference’ in Melbourne. One of the keynote speakers, Wes Hill, encouraged us to think about the challenge of having our churches open to including people who experience unwanted, same-sex attraction. He encouraged us to be ‘welcoming, not affirming.’ We are to be welcoming to people with … Read more

The pursuit of happiness

It is hard to claim that pyramid-shaped tea-bags have added much to the sum of human happiness. They’re just another part of our society’s never ending quest for better and more luxurious things. The continual rise of technology has made products, once considered only for the elite, now available to everyone – the pyramid tea … Read more