Praying for the PM

In the midst of a very messy few weeks in Federal Politics, our nation has ended up with a Prime Minister who trusts in Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. In his maiden speech, Scott Morrison spoke of his “personal faith in Jesus”, noting his commitment to his faith at an early age. We can … Read more

Contentment in all seasons

We are a people who are not used to contentment. August is too cold & windy. February is too hot & not breezy enough. Our family members are too pushy. Our friends don’t support us enough. The HSC is too hard. There isn’t enough homework in primary school. It’s about time the National Energy Guarantee … Read more

Romans Eight Twenty-eight

Once there was a man who went to prison, and as he lay in bed on his first night, he heard someone call out, “49”, which was then followed by laughter from all the other prisoners. Then another prisoner called out, “26”, which was followed by even more laughs. When the new prisoner asked what … Read more

Blessings from hard things

Throughout life I’ve realised that it’s often when I’m doing the hardest things that it’s the time that I’m growing the most. It might be carrying a 23kg pack on a five-day, 50km walk around the exposed wilderness of Wilsons Promentory. Or, it might be learning to stand up on my mid-life-crisis longboard, without causing … Read more

Anglicans Aid Drought Victims

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid has launched an appeal to help communities hit by the crippling drought in Western New South Wales. The public appeal will raise funds to provide resources to churches in North and Western New South Wales, which are already dealing with requests for practical support for families impacted by what, … Read more

Real Kids Day

On Monday an enthusiastic team from our church ran our Real Kids day – “Lost and Found” – a holiday program filled with activities for the children of our community. The day centred around the great news that “the Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.” Luke 19:10. … Read more

Have you passed on the baton?

Given that one of our family’s favourite childhood movies was Pixar’s ‘Cars’, I was looking forward to watching the third movie in this series. Even though it’s targeted at younger kids, the Pixar special sauce produced some terrific entertainment for older kids like me. As the movie progressed, it was clear that it was a … Read more

Living in the light of life

The cave rescue of the Thai soccer team has had us glued to our screens. It is no surprise that Hollywood film executives are already jockeying to bring this remarkable message of salvation to the big screen. It was a great answer to the prayers of so many people that these trapped boys were brought … Read more

Taking things for granted

As Mandy and I spent two weeks in the Middle East, we understood how easy it is to take things for granted. For example, even though I loved the Israeli Breakfast, with hummus, olives, falafel, fish, cheese, and pita bread, it made me crave Vegemite and bacon! But our time at the GAFCON (Global Anglican … Read more

Free to be me?

The freedom to be yourself is one of the fundamental rights that modern society seeks to protect. At first glance there are parts of this that the Christian can agree with. God has made us who we are and we don’t need to change ourselves just to please others. There is freedom to express who … Read more