Unity beyond the World Cup

The Soccer World Cup started last week and it has been amazing to see unity in Australia as we support our country in Russia. There are people watching who love soccer, some who maybe only watch the World Cup and some who maybe only watch when Australia is playing. Either way, it is so much fun to … Read more

How are you growing?

Christian maturity is a high priority for our church, and with good reason – it was a priority for the apostle Paul too. He says: “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28). Paul gives us a clue as to what that … Read more

Have you achieved true contentment?

How often have you heard someone say “I just want to be happy?” Or, when you let someone know about a major decision in life, people respond by saying, “that sounds great, as long as you’re happy”. Happiness seems to be the state of mind that we all crave, and yet there’s something that is … Read more

What makes conflict so uncomfortable?

Why does conflict make us so uncomfortable? Often it’s because I feel that others can’t see just how right I am. It would be so much easier if they could just recognise my superior arguments, apologise and we could all move forward! At a conference this week I was challenged by a series of seminars … Read more

Better news for the royal couple

It’s rare for a church sermon to make the front page of a newspaper, but the message from Bishop Curry made world news, as his royal wedding message got people talking. Unlike the typecast, pompous wedding preacher, he enthusiastically addressed the billions of people who tuned in for the occasion. It was refreshing to hear … Read more

What’s wrong with extremism?

This week Ramadan began for the followers of Islam, a month of fasting and prayer. For those who keep this practise it shows a level of extreme devotion to their religion. Millions of people across the globe will spend their daylight hours without any food or water in order to serve their god. An interview … Read more

Are you good enough to be forgiven?

Are you the kind of person who would be acceptable to Jesus? In Luke chapter 7, we read about a dinner that Jesus attended at the house of some very religious people. While they’re having dinner, a woman comes into the room, and starts washing Jesus’ feet with her tears, kissing his feet, and pouring … Read more

Youth keeps KYCKing on

Last weekend the youth groups of Oak Flats and Jamberoo went away together for an encouraging and exciting weekend. On Friday we travelled up to Katoomba to KYCK – a youth conference run by Katoomba Christian Convention (KCC). The conference has around 2000 youth and leaders attending and it is always encouraging to see so … Read more

What is your worth?

How would you calculate what you’re worth? It’s not something that we normally need to work out, except if we’re organising insurance or preparing a will, or maybe answering questions from Centrelink. But assuming you calculated a dollar figure for all your assets, then would this provide the real answer to the question, “what is … Read more

Much more than groceries

The Mobile Community Pantry (MCP) began at Oak Flats Anglican in February this year. It is a collaboration with Anglicare to provide low-cost groceries to those who need it most. And judging by the response it is a service that is being well received by the community. Every fortnight, on a Thursday, a van from … Read more