What an awesome church!

Imagine what it must have been like to have been a part of the first gathering of Christians, just after Jesus sent his Spirit? The book of Acts tells us that “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) They were passionate about hearing … Read more

What’s missing from the Opening Ceremony?

The opening ceremony of the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games was a spectacular piece of stadium art, filled with all the light, colour, sound and dance that you would expect. Opening ceremonies have definitely carved out for themselves their own genre – it is a chance to tell the narrative of a nation and the distinctives … Read more

Jesus is not a cheat

It must be very hard to be a professional sportsperson, with the constant pressure to perform for supporters and sponsors. No doubt this contributed to the decision this week by disgraced Australian male cricketers to undertake a premeditated and coordinated act of ball tampering. The level of public outcry has been extraordinary, and the call … Read more

Jesus is the great exchange

There has been a lot happening this week as our church and the churches in our region have partnered with Moore College students to run many Jesus is___. events. Hundreds of people have attended the public sessions at the Civic Centre, over 1000 students have been at special SRE assemblies, and 2000 high-schoolers were at … Read more

Jesus is Emotional

Depending on the situation, it can be good or bad for a person to be emotional. It’s obviously good and normal to cry when you meet your newborn child for the first time, or farewell a loved one for the last time. But, we’d find it unsettling if a police officer, or a judge, or … Read more

Jesus Is Rest

There are so many things that make us weary and burdened. Maybe you’re weighed down by poor health, difficult relationships, or financial stress. Maybe your biggest burden is spiritual? Perhaps you’re worried that when God judges you after you die that you might not have done enough to please him. The great news is that … Read more

Jesus is our certainty

This week there’s been more bad news in the world. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he has tested a new design of nuclear weapons that cannot be intercepted, and that have a practically unlimited range. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates says the likelihood of another financial crash like the GFC is a certainty, with some … Read more

Billy Graham

We give thanks to God for the life of Billy Graham who died this Wednesday. Many of you will know the impact of his ministry personally. It was through his preaching that God called you back. If not you personally, then you have seen his impact on your friends, on your spouse, indeed on a … Read more

What makes a disciple a disciple?

Becoming a disciple of Christ is more than just being a follower or imitator of Jesus. As my Serve Team has been looking at the ‘Jesus Is’ studies, we saw in John chapter one the calling of two disciples, one of whom is Andrew. Andrew immediately follows Jesus (John 1:37). But it is what happens next … Read more

It’s too costly to lose free speech

When our nation debated the redefinition of marriage, there were moments when things were said that were difficult to hear. Yet, it was vital that we felt the liberty to openly and honestly share our convictions and beliefs. The mark of a healthy democratic society is the ability to speak freely about what we hold … Read more