What a beautiful name!

I was buzzing after Tuesday night’s combined prayer and training night for the ‘Jesus Is___’ campaign. 180 local Anglicans joined together to pray and sing, and to be pumped up and trained to talk about Jesus. On the way home from the meeting, I stopped at the petrol station, and I realised I was still … Read more

Changing youth to bridge the gap

One of the most significant bridges for our young people is the gap between youth group and church – between Friday night and Sunday. Research presented by the Moore College’s CMD reports that there is a significant drop off in church involvement in the later teen years. We all know that this is a fragile … Read more

Is it Christian to take holidays?

Since Jesus is returning soon to judge the world, is it right for us to just sit around and enjoy a holiday? Well, when we hold to the truth that God is sovereign over everything, then it means that it’s OK to stop and enjoy a break. This is why God originally created a Sabbath … Read more

Imagine a world that knows Jesus

For as long as I can remember I’ve known about Jesus. My grandparents were followers of Jesus, and they brought me up knowing that it was really important to know him personally. When I was ten I decided to follow Jesus myself, and I am now more convinced than ever that this is the greatest … Read more

Will 2018 be a Groundhog Year?

This week my kids joined me in watching the 1993 movie, ‘Groundhog Day.’ It was released a year after Mandy and I were married, and it’s probably been decades since we saw it. The premise of the movie is that Phil (played by Bill Murray) gets trapped in the 2nd of February, where he lives that … Read more

A resolution worth keeping

I’m not much one for new year’s resolutions. If I happen to find the bit of paper at the end of the year it reads more like a catalogue of things I haven’t done than a list of achievements with ticks next to it. A chirpy radio announcer was broadcasting what a wonderful time it … Read more

Good news from twitter

Twitter now seems to be the preferred method of communication for at least one of our world leaders. With a limit of 280 characters – it is difficult to say much – let alone explain anything complex. Who knows what might happen if the leader of another country takes something the wrong way? God’s communication … Read more

A time to ask who Jesus is___?

“Jesus is _____.”  What goes in the blank? This is a really good question for any time of the year, but especially at Christmas. Christmas is a time when Jesus is spoken of more than normal in our society, but the answers people give are often far from the truth. That’s one of the reasons … Read more

Thanks a lot!

Do you take the time to say “thank you” to God? At times of relief from danger, we thank God a lot. But what about at the normal times of life when things can be fairly mundane? If we are not thankful to God for what he has done, then perhaps it is because we … Read more

Happy St Andrew’s Day!

On Sunday our church gathered together to celebrate our namesake, St. Andrew’s Day. St. Andrew’s Day is normally celebrated on 30th November for various reasons across different Christian traditions and countries, particularly Scotland where it is a public holiday. For our church it served as a good excuse to get our whole church family together! … Read more