The prodigal son

This week I was teaching Scripture at our local primary school. The lesson was the prodigal son, and I was once again surprised by how big and radical God’s love is for us. And it wasn’t just me – the students seem to get it too! The parable you may recall is of a son … Read more

What matters more than marriage

Our Federal Government has asked us to say what we think about changing the legal definition of marriage to include same-sex unions. As I have engaged with the hundreds of Facebook comments on our post from last week, it is clear that most of us wish this discussion would go away. Some people want the … Read more

It’s loving to vote ‘no’

One of the most powerful arguments used by those who wish to change the definition of marriage is that it is morally wrong to deny someone the opportunity to marry the person they love. And yet, changing the definition of marriage is not the most loving thing to do for the children of our society. … Read more

Who is the greatest?

We Aussies love our sport, and we love to see one person or team compete against another to try and work out who is the greatest. And yet beyond any comparison, the Lord, our God, is truly the greatest of us all. I was reminded this as I read Psalm 104 this week, and experienced … Read more

We need to talk about tough topics

Let’s be honest: the debate about same-sex marriage is very personal. This discussion directly impacts people in same-sex relationships, and it will ultimately determine whether their union should be recognised as a ‘marriage.’ That is why this debate feels personal, even when people try and only address the issues. Every ethical discussion will directly affect some people, … Read more

No need to doubt about the future

What are the three most important characteristics of being a Christian? There are three that are highlighted in the New Testament as they occur together time and time again. What would you put in your top three? The Apostle Paul says, “and now faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these … Read more

We say ‘no’ to domestic violence

The Bible is very clear about domestic violence: it is completely wrong. God’s advice to husbands is simple: “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.” (Colossians 3:19), which is written right after God’s advice to wives: “Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” (Colossians 3:18.) Tragically, there … Read more

Changed lives in Fiji

Leaving the comfort of Australia, I arrived in the unfamiliar, foreign land of Fiji… a different place, climate, and people, but the same God. Along with the 75 other students in the Youthworks Year 13 Gap Year program, we were given opportunities to learn how the Fijians live, eat, work and function as a society. … Read more

Our problem with David and Goliath

David and Goliath is one of the most famous and well-loved stories in the Bible. It’s the classic tale of the underdog winning a battle against an unbeatable enemy. It’s a story we love, because we all have our own challenges in life that seem impossible, and yet this story shows God achieve something that … Read more

The biggest problem our children face

Whilst it is true and powerful that children are our future, the problem is that society doesn’t quite know what to do. We look at the current problems of our world and then look to the next generation to solve them… problems like violence, alcohol, crime, poverty and the environment. The cause of each of these … Read more