Less religion can lead people to Jesus

It was no surprise to read that this week’s Census 2016 results showed a drop in the number of people claiming to be religious in Australia. Notably, we read that only half our population (52.1%) say they are Christian, which is a drop from 61% in 2011, and 88% in 1966 (read more about this … Read more

Vital support for missionaries

When we think of support for missionaries, we most naturally think about finances. After all, when we and our partner missionary organisation send someone to a distant location to preach Christ, we know that there are many costs that need to be met. Our church loves to financially support missionaries, and we do so by … Read more

Identifying our identity

One of the best ways to understand our Australian identity is to travel to another country. During my recent trip to Canada, I discovered many ways in which Aussies differ. Canadians love eating poutine (a fancy version of chips and gravy), but we love meat pies, and of course, Vegemite. Canadians love ice hockey and … Read more

Can good come from evil?

It’s hard to imagine the pain of the parents of those Australian girls killed in the attack in London, from the terrible silence when they no longer answered their phones till that final awful moment when the news is confirmed. There was a father named Jacob who knew of this terrible moment when his children … Read more

Mission to Fiji

After months and weeks of planning, preparation and nervous anticipation, this is my last week at church before I leave for Fiji. Earlier this week I received my needles, and whilst I really do not enjoy strangers stabbing me with medicine, I am so excited as I know this is one of the final things … Read more

What’s our greatest blessing as Christians?

If I were asked that question my first answer would be this: justification by faith. And in the year of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation my answer would come all the more readily. But I’d be wrong. I can still remember first reading Knowing God by the famous theologian J.I Packer where I discovered … Read more

A budget response to disabilities

Scott Morrison’s budget has been praised (mostly by the more right wing) and rubbished (ditto left wing). One of the issues Mr Morrison has tried to address is paying for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Under this scheme Australians with a permanent and significant disability are to receive the financial support they need. The scheme … Read more

Are our generations too divided?

It’s hard to imagine, but it’s only a relatively new concept to have a separate demographic called ‘youth.’ It started after the Industrial Revolution had driven young people from their rural villages to assemble in the urban factories. No longer was the whole family living, working and worshipping together, as they had for thousands of years. What’s more, the efficiency … Read more

What’s better than winning?

What happens when God is removed from the centre of your life and replaced with achievement? The ABC’s Four Corners recently ran a report on elite athletes who outlined their struggles once their career was over. They struggled with depression, unemployment and emptiness. Lauren Jackson, Australia’s most successful female basketballer, spoke of the end of her … Read more

Abortion’s hidden injustice

The greatest tragedy of the sexual revolution is the mass killing of unborn children through the decriminalisation and legalisation of abortion. Whilst the decision to terminate a pregnancy should be a painful choice for the parents, the impact is undoubtedly greatest upon the human whose life comes to an end in order to benefit his or her mother and/or father. The reason … Read more