The cost of conflict

As we approach another Anzac Day, we are reminded again of the horrors of war. The Australian War Memorial lists 102,825 people who have died as a result of service with Australian units. It is sobering to consider the tragic, human cost of these conflicts. Behind every name there is heartbreak, and behind every casualty there … Read more

Death has been conquered

Death is an intruder in our lives and relationships, leaving gaping holes and hardships. It is an enemy that seems insurmountable. Left to our own resources, we have very little to say, very few answers to contribute. Our world is left confused and its inability to answer the question of death shows a hollowness in its answers to … Read more

Christian persecution is growing

Last year was the worst year on record for persecution of Christians worldwide. According to ‘Open Doors,’ each month 332 were killed for their faith, 772 suffered serious violence and 214 churches were destroyed. Once there was a network of Christian churches spreading east from Jerusalem through “Mesopotamia” and on into India. Though not recorded … Read more

Are you responsible with your power?

Did you know that God has made us responsible for ruling the world? In the book of Psalms, God’s people say to him, “…what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and … Read more

The best weekend ever?

When I was nine years old I was invited to a Christian holiday camp by a friend from school. It turned out that my friend, Julian, was a regular, churchgoing Christian, and he reached out to me to invite me to join him for a week of horse riding, canoeing and even air guns (back … Read more

What’s beer got to do with church?

This week there has been some controversy surrounding the production by Coopers Brewery of commemorative beer cans to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Bible Society. As part of the celebrations, the Bible Society released a video in which they hosted a mini-debate between two people with different views on same-sex marriage. The video showed a … Read more

What has ESP got to do with Christianity?

I was recently watching a program that was taking a light hearted look at the claims of ESP (extra-sensory perception). The show didn’t hold my interest for long, but what was interesting was the way the host explained his scepticism. He said “ I’m an atheist… I don’t believe in that kind of thing at … Read more

Do you have trouble with trust?

When I was a young boy, I remember receiving a Bible from my grandma as a gift. In the front of the book she wrote in beautiful handwriting this verse from the book of Proverbs: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, … Read more

The Five Solas

As you might have heard, this year marks the 500th anniversary of The Reformation. This really is an important event in the Christian calendar, but its importance lies not in the nice round number of 500, nor in the fond feelings it might arouse. The significance of this anniversary is not so much about looking … Read more

More than a rain shelter?

This weekend we give thanks to God for 150 years of ministry in the building of our sister church at Jamberoo Anglican. This building has been special for many people who have gathered there since 1867. It is the place where they baptised babies and new believers, married new couples, and said farewell to loved ones. Yet despite … Read more