Fake news or good news?

The Macquarie dictionary has announced its 2016 word of the year: ‘fake news.’ This term came to prominence in 2016, referring to websites that deliberately published disinformation — often then promoted on social media. One such site published a story about a German town’s oldest church being burnt down by refugees on NYE. Except it … Read more

Last among equals

Whether we like it or not, it’s natural for any group of people to form structures to try and organise its membership. So, when you get together a bunch of people to play on a sporting team, it’s pretty normal for a captain to be appointed. And when you have an organisation like a club … Read more

An important reminder as school returns

Whether it’s the school shoe sales or the return of 40kmh school zones, nearly all of us notice when it’s ‘back to school’ time. And as schooling comes to our mind we should remember that education is a privilege we should never take for granted. Many parents around the world would only dream of offering their … Read more

The lesson our leaders must learn

At this moment in time we are witnessing a change in the leadership of the Premier of NSW and the President of the USA. Both offices are positions of power, and both roles provide a powerful influence. This makes it a good time to reflect on what Jesus thinks about leaders and leadership. When one of his disciples … Read more

Is Jesus Un-Australian?

One of the core values of Australia is the right to a ‘fair go.’ When someone doesn’t get what they deserve, it often causes our blood to boil. When one kid gets more lollies than another, then we hear the cry, “it’s just not fair!” And when one employee gets paid more than another person who does … Read more

Wise Men Indeed!

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? (Matt 2:1-2a) Oh! We heard about that two weeks ago – it’s all part of the Christmas story, isn’t it? … Read more

Recognising the New Year

In Old Testament days the new year was recognised by a trumpet blast and a day of rest (modelled on Lev 23:23-25). Originally Ram’s horns were used, probably in time they were replaced by silver trumpets. The trumpet blast was a ‘memorial’ — a reminder of God’s goodness & faithfulness for the year past, also … Read more

Truth overcomes in a post-truth world

The Oxford English Dictionary has named ‘post-truth’ the international word of the year.This is not surprising given that the Brexit vote and US election were enmeshed in what is being called post-truth politics.Let’s face it – there is so much ‘post-truth’ around.The rise of social media has been fuelled by people who claim to write the truth – … Read more

That’s Retailtainment

If you’ve ever chosen to ‘go to the shops’ in order to occupy your time, then you will have experienced some ‘retailtainment.’ George Ritzer defines this as the “use of ambience, emotion, sound and activity to get customers interested in the merchandise and in a mood to buy.” Retail has been mashed up with entertainment, and now it’s … Read more

Great growth through Year 13

Life changing. Boldness. Deep joy. These are some of the concluding words that come into mind about my journey with Year 13. This year has been the best year of my life. Who would have thought that in only nine months, I would have grown so much. I am so thankful to God for his growth … Read more