Are you scared of death?

It is quite unnerving to see a grown-man sobbing uncontrollably. This is what I saw as I went to visit a gentleman in hospital who had been told that he had only days to live. He was in constant tears because he was scared about what would happen to him when he died. Facing death without any … Read more

Should you be worried about things?

One of the outcomes of industrialisation and globalisation is that we tend to be sheltered from the impact of success and failure on the land. Whether it’s a time of peak or trough, we don’t feel the full impact of the success and failure of our primary industries, because we buy most things through supermarkets with global … Read more

What do you get out of church?

Have you ever stopped to think about what you get out of church? After all, we encourage people to carefully evaluate whether their investment of time or money or emotions is returning a good dividend. So, if you had a membership with an organisation that didn’t give you sufficient benefits, then you might decide to leave and … Read more

What does your future hold?

If I knew with certainty what would happen to you in the next week, then this would put me in a position of great power and authority over your life. The ability to tell the future is something that many people claim to possess, but clearly are unable to reliably demonstrate. If they could, then they’d … Read more

Who will lead the free world?

Ever since the Cold War, people have described the President of the United States of America as the ‘leader of the Free World.’ It’s quite an awesome title to print on your business card. And unless you’ve been blissfully enjoying a prolonged media blackout, you would know that this position has become vacant, and the successful candidate will … Read more

The great Australian dream

It’s been said that owning your own home is the great Australian dream. After all, people say it feels good to know they’ve got the stability and security of having full control of the roof over their head. Yet it’s increasingly hard to afford a home, and even when a person does, there’s no guarantee that it will deliver the … Read more

Are you hungry for the Bible?

Do you hunger for God’s word like a big plate of bacon and eggs? It might seem strange to compare the Bible to our breakfast, but this is how Job spoke of his hunger for God’s word: I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread. (Job 23:12b) Can you say the … Read more

Showing love in the marriage debate

This week at the Synod meeting of the Sydney Anglican Church there was a lengthy discussion about the present debate on the redefinition of marriage. During this discussion, we thanked the Archbishop’s Plebiscite Task Force for the work they had done in preparing a booklet to help educate people about the issue. Whilst this booklet is … Read more

Should you be a gospel worker?

I’ve always found it hard to describe my job. You’d think it would be easy enough to just say that I’m an ‘Anglican Minister’. But the problem is that this creates the impression that only paid and ordained people ‘do’ the ministry in the church. Yet, when we look in the Bible at Ephesians chapter … Read more

Why God thinks cops are tops

On this National Police Remembrance Day, it’s worth knowing that God thinks that cops are tops. In the book of Romans, chapter 13 verse 1, we read that everyone should “be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”  … Read more