Making the most of our milestones

Throughout life we experience a range of milestones. These are events that show the significant progress we have made along the path of life, and they give us an opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Milestones come in many shapes and forms, and sometimes they are the ‘firsts’. So, there is … Read more

The death of death

We know that Jesus has dealt with death, and yet we still have loved ones who grieve at the passing away of family and friends. This is painful for us today, but for the first Christians, it was also confusing. They had seen Jesus’ power over death when he raised Lazarus to life, and his empty … Read more

There’s a problem with ‘RUOK?’

‘RUOK?’ is a brilliant idea to open up communication and give people permission to be honest with others about how they’re not coping at all with life. It tries to get deep-down below the cool, calm exterior that many people can portray, even when they’re dying inside. It tries to throw a lifeline to a person who feels like … Read more

Introducing the Chaplins!

I am delighted to announce that Simon Chaplin has accepted my invitation to join our church as our new Assistant Minister! Simon is married to Amy, and they have three children: Liam (aged 8), Lily (aged 3), and Annabel (6 weeks). They will move into the 40 Fisher Street house in the week before Christmas, and … Read more

It’s OK to talk about suicide

Even though suicide is the biggest, single cause of death amongst men under 45, it’s still a topic we don’t like to discuss. What’s more, many men who have contemplated suicide felt they couldn’t talk about their feelings. The Bible doesn’t speak a great deal about suicide, although it does say that it is wrong … Read more

The joy of life together

As I prepare to return to Canada after seven months as your Youth Ministry Intern, I recall one of my favourite parts of Scripture: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one … Read more

Faster, higher, stronger?

As we reach the midpoint of the 2016 Summer Olympics we’re reminded again of the wonder of the human body. Each day we hear about the smashing of world records, as we witness men and women go faster, higher and stronger. It is right to be amazed at the way that God has made us, but we … Read more

Are you worried about your privacy?

If you hadn’t already noticed, next week’s Census is causing quite a bit of a stir. Most of the concerns are because the Australian Bureau of Statistics have determined that they will be keeping every name and address on file, without giving people a choice to ‘opt out.’ Censuses tend to be a magnet for controversy, usually because … Read more

Seeking a new Assistant Minister

We’re looking for a new Assistant Minister to join our church to help equip us for ministry. For as we see from Ephesians chapter 4, we know that Jesus has given speakers of God’s word to the church, so that every Christian will be equipped for ministry to everyone, so that the church will be built, and that … Read more

Reviewing ‘Failure’

It would be easy for many to view my time at Oak Flats ultimately as a failure. As an energetic and enthusiastic College grad hopes were high that God would do great things. In less than two years those hopes came crashing down due to anxiety and depression that led to hospitalisation and 9 months … Read more