Lost and Found

  Last Tuesday, just before noon, Luke Shambrook was spotted by a police helicopter. He had wandered from his campsite on Good Friday and had spend four nights in the bush. While as a parent you would never want to give up hope, with each night passing hope might have dwindled. The relief that Luke’s … Read more

Everyone loves something new!

Whether it’s the smell of a new car or the feel of a new haircut, it’s always good to have something new. But cars rust out and hair grows long, and these ‘new’ things don’t stay new very long. That’s why the promise of a genuinely new heaven and earth is such a staggering promise from Jesus. … Read more

Famous Last Words

Australian icon and infamous outlaw Ned Kelly is reported to have uttered the phrase “Such is life” moments before he was hung in Melbourne Gaol on November 11, 1880. The words speak of an inevitability of death, and an acceptance that ultimately, you get what you deserve. Ned Kelly was punished for his crimes by … Read more

Our search for security

After the tragic crash of Germanwings flight 9525, we have now heard the awful news that this crash that killed 150 people was a deliberate act of murder by the co-pilot. Ironically, the very security precautions that were introduced to prevent an intruder from entering the cockpit ended up enabling the co-pilot to commit this … Read more

The ultimate justice

It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to live under the daily fear of death and torture for following Jesus. This is an experience we don’t face in Australia, although we know that there are many others around the world for whom this fear is real. As we near the end of our series in … Read more

High School Scripture takes off

As I write this, Adam and I have just returned from our first day at Oak Flats High School Scripture, and we are deeply thankful to God for the remarkable opportunity we have been given to share Jesus with these students. Between the two of us, we are teaching over a hundred students in Years … Read more

It is more blessed to give than receive!

Jesus showed us the ultimate example of giving when he gave his own life as a sacrifice for our sins so that we could be forgiven and receive the hope of eternal life. As people who have received such an amazing gift, we are now set free to cheerfully give to provide the resources to spread the message of real … Read more

Care for kids

As the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse undertakes its important work, we continue to hear stories of how children and young people have been tragically affected. Our church is committed to providing the best form of protection possible to children and youth as we share with them our real hope in the real Jesus. To … Read more

Lewis hits the ground running!

Lewis Wilson, our all-new Trainee Children’s Minister has hit the ground running! Lewis has chosen to leave full time teaching in order to do a two-year MTS Apprenticeship, learning about ministry ‘on the job’ within our church. He’ll also be studying at Youthworks College on Mondays and Tuesdays, where he’ll be thinking deeply about theology and … Read more

Fifty Shades of Grief

It is a sad indictment on our society that our world has become so numb to pornography that people crave the portrayal of violent sex for entertainment. With the release on the silver screen of the best-selling novel ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, our world has moved the glorification of sexual violence against women to the mainstream. Even worse is … Read more