Are you coming on our church family holiday?

One of the great joys of our church is spending time with people of all ages and stages. In our church services you can expect to sit near people many years younger or older than you, and enjoy sharing with them the experience of knowing and serving Jesus. The great joy of a weekendaway is that we … Read more

Scratchies don’t scratch where we’re itching

This week we were reminded about the impact of the instant lottery ‘Scratchies’ in our community. When it seemed likely that Scratchies might be now sold in supermarkets, smaller newsagencies created an uproar, claiming that up to 90% of their earnings would be lost. Sadly, the real losers are the members of the public who mistakenly believe that … Read more

Somewhere better than Australia

There’s so much to love about Australia: our climate is beautiful, our natural and economic wealth is great, and the spirit of mateship brings a common bond to everyone who lives in this sunburnt country. But for those of us who love and serve Jesus as Lord and Saviour, life in Australia can be a distraction. After … Read more

Spend every day with Jesus

When we consider that God speaks through the words of the Bible, it’s surprising that we so easily fail to listen to him every day. After all, the Bible helps us know God and ourselves better, and through it, God helps us see the world through his eyes. As we know: All Scripture is God-breathed and is … Read more

Have you considered Scripture?

We have the tremendous privilege each and every year to enter into our local schools in order to teach young people the saving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Most of us who read this have probably benefited from this ministry in our lives. In addition to this privilege is the knowledge that in … Read more

The importance of protecting yourself

We all know the damaging effects that exposure to the harsh Australian summer sun can have on our sensitive skin. For this reason the Cancer council of Australia has encouraged us through their advertising campaigns that we need to take steps to protect ourselves. Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on … Read more

End of year report card

At the end of every year school students receive their end of year report card. Some of them look forward to this time, others dread its arrival. A school report card either shows a student’s progress or how far they have slipped back from their previous year. It provides an opportunity to assess their year … Read more

Religious Extremism

The events of this week have rocked many to the core. The Sydney siege brought home the reality that even among our relative comfort and safety here in Australia, events can take a quick and dramatic turn. What began as a normal day for many people will now forever be etched in their memory as … Read more

Partnership in the Gospel

Last week during church we made the announcement that we would be forming a parish partnership with Jamberoo Anglican Church. This is a great opportunity for the gospel to grow and to share in the gifts that God has blessed each church with. Our hope and prayer is that through this partnership we would be … Read more

Christmas in a consumerist culture

It is easy for us to get side-tracked at Christmas, and it is far too easy for us to feel the need to compete with others by getting bigger, better and more expensive presents.  In fact, the figures for projected spending have been released by the Australian National Retailers’ Association which state that “Nationally more … Read more