Where is your name printed?

Around this time of year, newspapers fill with photos of young men and women who have topped HSC subjects and overall ATAR scores. For many other thousands of students across the country their names are contained in lists with numbers marked next to them, each digit counting for so much in terms of their perception … Read more

Stocking Stuffocation

Come mid-December some of us realise that Christmas is almost here and we have nothing to give to the people on our lists. But when you think about those you need to buy for, you realise they have most things they want or need and you too are in the same boat. Yet somehow each … Read more


At this time of year, many of us are looking forward with great anticipation. We look down the barrel of finishing work, booking out our calendars with Christmas events, and perhaps even looking forward to boxing day when everything is over and we can rest. Advent is the current season in the Christian calendar, and … Read more

Who or what is discipling you?

It has become increasingly apparent that these marvellous smartphones which we keep in our pockets have a dark side. Being both highly portable and highly addictive, it’s little wonder that many of us struggle to put down our little screens. Teams of product designers implement features that draw us in, giving dopamine hits, similar to … Read more

The Prayerful Church

Thank you to those who have filled out the cards so that I can pray for you. I will pray for you regularly. If you haven’t done so already, fill one out so that I can pray for your particular joys and needs. Prayer is something that can easily be taken for granted and slip … Read more

A message from the Colemans

Farewell This week we came to the end of our time of service with you as your Acting Rector. When we came we were strangers to almost all of you, however you welcomed us warmly. We quickly felt at home with you and have enjoyed the privilege of worshipping and serving with you. Our time … Read more

A Sure Bet

The Melbourne Cup is finished for another year. Winners and losers have been determined, both on and off the track….and a countless number of dollars around the nation has been wagered on the outcome.  Gambling is big business in Australia, whether it is horse racing, Lotto or the pokies. Television advertisements provide us with many … Read more

The need for good Governance

All institutions and organisations require governance to control and administer its functions. This ranges from Political institutions and alliances (International to local level), multi-national corporations to family businesses, sporting bodies, clubs and of course wardens and parish Councils. God’s Church is a good example. The early books of the Bible spell out how God selected … Read more

Where have they all gone?

How can we understand what God means when He says that He has forgiven our sins? In Old Testament times, God used some very earthy comparisons to describe the character and extent of His forgiveness. Here are a few: As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions … Read more